Ok. So im polling my Power Meter ever 60 seconds and due to the way that the powermeter works most of the polls will return the same value.
If i dont do any transformation grafana will return a ever increasing line.
And if i change to a transform i only se spikes as most of the delta values are 0 as my polling (every 60 seconds) is more often than the power meter acually changes values.
How would i go about to “connect” the “spikes” with a line to show a graf showing the acual values (spikes) and the calculated values (beween 2 spikes) and not showing any 0.
I have the powermeter in domoticz and the graph in domoticz shows the information as i would like the information to be displayed in grafana.
The datasource is influxdb and the input is provided by a cron:ed script running every minute
Any input would be greatly appreciated!