[postman-to-k6] Postman variables in body won't get replaced


I recently started looking for load testing tools other than JMeter. I came across the postman-to-k6 converter, and it’s a great addition. But I’m finding a problem, mainly in the variables inside the body are not being replaced. The code looks as follows (removed great part of it to not make this too long):

// Auto-generated by the Load Impact converter

import "./libs/shim/core.js";
import "./libs/shim/expect.js";
import { group } from "k6";

export let options = { maxRedirects: 4 };

const Request = Symbol.for("request");

  environment: {
    baseurldevices: "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/device",
    baseurlservices: "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/service",
    access_token: "1eb317717b627d476f3e08fa13773270a71d1a37",
    ulServiceName: "ULServicePostman",
    ulEntityType: "UTest",
    ulApiKey: "UL0000",
    ulAttributes: '[{\n      "object_id": "1",\n      "name": "temp",\n      "type": "string"\n    },\n      {\n        "object_id": "2",\n        "name": "humidity",\n        "type": "string"\n      }\n    ]\n',
    ulCommands: "[]",
    ulStaticAttributes: "[]",
    ulThingProtocol: "ul",
    ulPublic: "true",

group("services", function () {
      name: "Add UL service",
      id: "7a579799-67ed-4bf0-a7ab-22ebbffe825e",
      method: "POST",
      address: "http://" + __ENV.baseurlservices + "/add",
        //'{\n    "name": "ulServiceName",\n    "entityType": "ulEntityType",\n    "thingProtocol": "ul",\n    "apiKey": "ulApiKey",\n    "commands": [],\n    "attributes": [],\n    "staticAttributes": [],\n    "public": true \n}',
        '{\n    "name": "{{ulServiceName}}",\n    "entityType": "{{ulEntityType}}",\n    "thingProtocol": "{{ulThingProtocol}}",\n    "apiKey": "{{ulApiKey}}",\n    "commands": {{ulCommands}},\n    "attributes": {{ulAttributes}},\n    "staticAttributes": {{ulStaticAttributes}},\n    "public": {{ulPublic}}\n}',
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "x-nick-name": "{{access_token}}"
      post(response) {
        pm.test("Status code is 201 Created", function () {
        pm.test("Response body contains the expected values", function () {
        var service = JSON.parse(responseBody);
        pm.environment.set("ul_Id", service._id);

The problem comes in

  //'{\n    "name": "ulServiceName",\n    "entityType": "ulEntityType",\n    "thingProtocol": "ul",\n    "apiKey": "ulApiKey",\n    "commands": [],\n    "attributes": [],\n    "staticAttributes": [],\n    "public": true \n}',
  '{\n    "name": "{{ulServiceName}}",\n    "entityType": "{{ulEntityType}}",\n    "thingProtocol": "{{ulThingProtocol}}",\n    "apiKey": "{{ulApiKey}}",\n    "commands": {{ulCommands}},\n    "attributes": {{ulAttributes}},\n    "staticAttributes": {{ulStaticAttributes}},\n    "public": {{ulPublic}}\n}',

The different variables are not being replaced. If I use the top option (the one that is commented), it works, but for the bottom option, it says errors because it finds "{" in the parameter.

I tried making console.log("{{ulServiceName}}") and it prints exactly that ("{{ulServiceName}}") instead of the value.

How can I make use of those variables? it does work inside the headers tag and the address using the same structure.


This should have been fixed with Add support for variables in body · Issue #12 · grafana/postman-to-k6 · GitHub .
Can you check you are running the latest version and if this still persist please open a new issue with the postman-to-k6 project.

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Uninstalled the version I had, downloaded the github project, made “sudo npm install -g” from the root of the downloaded project, then executed:
postman-to-k6 /home/myuser/Descargas/device-management.postman_collection.json -e /home/myuser/Descargas/device-management_environment.postman_environment.json -o /home/myuser/Descargas/k6-script_new.js

Executed the script with version 0.24.0 of k6, but the problem seems to be the same:

[1] Unexpected token { in JSON at position 164,
[1] SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 164

The output is basically the same I had before downloading and installing from github. I suppose my flow was correct, or am I missing something? just to be sure before opening the issue.

What you are doing is suppose to work, so you should open an issue.

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I had the same issue and it was resolved by replacing the line 935 of libs/shim/core.js, ie.

config.data = data


config.data = evaluate(data)

Looks like this works. I’ll open an issue anyway so it can be fixed for everyone. Thanks.

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Sorry for unburying such an old thread, but given how many views this topic has it can’t really be helpt.

:warning: Do not do this

Running npm install with sudo should not be necessary. The same goes for global installation using -g.

Doing so might lead to other problems, compromising security being the most prominent one.

If this is actually needed, something else is wrong with your node configuration.

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