My Grafana version: 8.0.4 through Docker WSL 2 based engine running under Win 10. Docker version 3.4.0. Docker-Engine 20.10.7
I’d like to set up a sample alert using the Unified Alerting API 1.1.0, as documented here: Swagger Editor
What I have tried: I have set up an alert manually in the grafana UI, then downloaded every configuration setting I could (using GET in the API). Finally I have deleted my alert in the UI and tried to POST it back using the API. When posting, it did not work.
Using GET, I got information from “alertmanager/grafana/config/api/v1/alerts” and “ruler/grafana/api/v1/rules}” only. I have then deleted the alert from the server, and posted exactly what I have received back to “alertmanager/grafana/config/api/v1/alerts”. This first post worked. Then I tried to post back what I had received from “ruler/grafana/api/v1/rules”. This didn’t work and I got the following error:
404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
. If I append a “/{Namespace}” to the request url, I get the following in the http response: b’{“message”:“folder not found”,“status”:“not-found”}’, text: ‘{“message”:“folder not found”,“status”:“not-found”}’, status: 404.
So, I guess I need to specify a new namespace somewhere else, or what? Maybe I need to “create” a namespace within the first POST request? -
I expected the second post worked. Why did it not?
The following is the json payload sent within the second post:
{'existing folder on server': [{'interval': '1m',
'name': 'some name here',
'rules': [{'annotations': {'__dashboardUid__': 'dahsboard UID here',
'__panelId__': '2'},
'expr': '',
'for': '5m',
'grafana_alert': {'condition': 'B',
'data': [{'datasourceUid': 'UID received with GET',
'model': {'format': 'time_series',
'group': [],
'intervalMs': 1000,
'maxDataPoints': 43200,
'metricColumn': 'none',
'rawQuery': True,
'rawSql': 'SELECT\n'
' '
' '
' '
' '
' '
'AND '
'sensor_serial_num '
'= '
'BY '
'time_recorded '
'refId': 'A',
'select': [[{'params': ['value'],
'type': 'column'}]],
'timeColumn': 'time',
'where': [{'name': '$__timeFilter',
'params': [],
'type': 'macro'}]},
'queryType': '',
'refId': 'A',
'relativeTimeRange': {'from': 604800,
'to': 0}},
{'datasourceUid': '-100',
'model': {'conditions': [{'evaluator': {'params': [500],
'type': 'gt'},
'operator': {'type': 'and'},
'query': {'params': ['A']},
'reducer': {'params': [],
'type': 'avg'},
'type': 'query'}],
'datasource': '__expr__',
'hide': False,
'intervalMs': 1000,
'maxDataPoints': 43200,
'refId': 'B',
'type': 'classic_conditions'},
'queryType': '',
'refId': 'B',
'relativeTimeRange': {'from': 0,
'to': 0}}],
'exec_err_state': 'Alerting',
'id': 3,
'intervalSeconds': 60,
'namespace_id': 1,
'namespace_uid': 'level39_docker',
'no_data_state': 'NoData',
'orgId': 1,
'rule_group': 'CO2 '
'@ '
'level '
'39 '
': '
'sensor '
'title': 'test_alert_1',
'uid': 'uid received here from GET',
'updated': '2021-06-24T21:46:10Z',
'version': 2}}]}]}
This is instead the payload sent within the first POST:
{'alertmanager_config': {'receivers': [{'grafana_managed_receiver_configs': [{'disableResolveMessage': False,
'name': 'email '
'secureFields': {},
'settings': {'addresses': '<example@email.com>'},
'type': 'email',
'uid': 'uid received here from GET'}],
'name': 'grafana-default-email'}],
'route': {'receiver': 'grafana-default-email'},
'templates': None},
'template_files': None}
- Is it possible to have a completed worked example about how to create an alert from scratch using the API? Thank you.