i integrate questdb with grafana using postgress datasource, is there any way to cache graphs each night so when i open dashboard quickly loaded?
FYI1: i don’t want to down sample data or summarize it, dashboard take one minute to load, need once load then cache the graph!
FYI2:postgress datasource seem hasn’t cache option.
Any idea?
how long does the query take in pgadmin?
so the issue is not grafana,solve it at the datasource
can you share table schemas and the query itself?
Schema has below columns:
timestamp + 15 columns (types of all columns are SYMBOL)
Queries like this:
Select timestamp, count(column x)
From table y
Where column a=all, b=all, c=all, … SAMPLE BY 1s
GROUP BY timestamp, column a
Dashboard contains 20 different time charts and pie charts
Any idea?
please post data types of the columns you are filtering on
also do you have any index on those filter columns?
the schema and query you posted are very vague and not useable on our postgres database.
the less vague you are the clearer answer you will get
again your issue is not with grafana you are better off posting on a postgres forum