Post must be at least 20 characters

I was asked if I use MySQL or InfluxDB and my answer would have been “InfluxDB 1.8”, but I was not allowed to post that, since the required minimum post length is 20 caracters.

I had to fill up the post with useless text just to be able to send it and I propose to remove this restriction since I don’t see a benefit in it.
Maybe it makes sense for the main post to get a reasonable content there, but not for the answers.

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Hi @michaeluray

Good point. We reconfigured the post length that are not the first topic to 10 characters.


In my example my answer could have been “InfluxDB” which still would have been smaller as 10 characters.
Why do we need such a limit on answers in general?

Hi @michaeluray

This is a discourse setting, usually those are there to prevent spam and bots posting. I can lower it a bit more.


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