Hi, somebody knows what happened with the CrateDB plugin to add a datasource with Grafana?
I’m trying to follow these instructions and of course, now it’s not available
Hi, somebody knows what happened with the CrateDB plugin to add a datasource with Grafana?
I’m trying to follow these instructions and of course, now it’s not available
CrateDB asked for the plugin to be removed. CrateDB is compatible with the Postgres so the Postgres datasource for Grafana can be used instead.
See instructions here: https://crate.io/a/pair-cratedb-with-grafana-an-open-platform-for-time-series-data-visualization/
Hi Daniel, I had already read that but I could not connect, thanks to your confirmation I updated CrateDB, and now I have the superuser “crate”, I also had to change the Host name because I have access through Dockers containers, so I have to use the name of the service, “crate” in this case.
Now it works, greetings
I am Facing the same issue . Have tried plugging the postgress and connect to CrateDB but no luck .
Note: I have an existing CrateDB but i have upgraded the grafana version and trying to use the existing crateDB with newer Grafana
Hola, podrias publicar como solucionaste este caso pore que tambien me tope con el mismo problema