Operato Windrose with influxDB query not showing values

Hey, for anyone else struggling with this, I found an even easier method: just use a data transform on the query.

My entity is named the_kite_alert_station_wind_speed and the_kite_alert_station_wind_direction respectively.
This can all be done from the Grafana GUI.

Here’s my setup:
Query A:

SELECT last("value") FROM "kn" WHERE ("entity_id"::tag = 'the_kite_alert_station_wind_speed') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval)

Alias: wind_speed (< This is important! Make sure it has the alias)

Query B:

SELECT last("value") FROM "°" WHERE ("entity_id"::tag = 'the_kite_alert_station_wind_direction') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval)

Alias: wind_direction

Next, go to the Transform tab, create a transform, and use Join by field:

  • MODE is Outer (Time Series)
  • field is time

And that’s it!
Here’s mine, working:

Hope that helps.


OMFG that worked! A thousand thanks srfaudio!!!