Hey folks I have a head scratcher I need some help with. I have a script which I’ve designed ( probably badly) to do a simple use case.
Use Case
- call auth api to get a token
- use said token to call get_api(1)
- get currentValue (key:value) from the json response of get_api(1)
- use said currentValue to pass into get_api(1)_again when certain conditions are met (wait for it)
- I need get_api(1)_again to run at a the rate defined in the scenario options for its exec (my script is pretty crazy for even crazier api logic under test)
1, the call to get_api(1) is higher than the executor target. yes I know this is possible because the executor rate is iterations per second within the default function and HTTP rate can be different. often the HTTP - request rate (RPS) can be higher than the defined iterations per second for the group or batch or whatever
2. the call to get_api(1)_again is lower than the executor target. yes I now this is possible do to network effects anywhere downstream of the k6 client. (wait for it).
3. the average of the get_api(1) and get_api(1)_again is dang near exactly the rate defined in the scenario option for this executor and exec.
Sorry can’t show the labels - the chart shows get_api(1) at 6.3 RPS, get_api(1)_again at 3.6 RPS (and change). Avg RPS ~ 5???
- How the frack do I ensure that api(1) and more importantly api(1)_again run as close to the defined target - 5 iterations per second? When I use only 1 api call per group within the function IPS is nearly dead perfect with RPS using the arrival-rate executor(s). In this case I’m using ramping-arrival-rate. do I have to play tricks with think time? Gawd I hope not… that would damage my love affair with ramping-arrival-rate. It lets me maintain my mastery of lazy engineering
const noDelta= '1234';
var current = null;
const accounts = new SharedArray('accounts', function () {
switch (deploymentEnvironment) {
case "prod":
return JSON.parse(open(data_file + count)).IDS;
case "stage":
return JSON.parse(open(data_file + count)).IDS;
case "test":
return JSON.parse(open(data_file)).IDS;
const accountInput = accounts[Math.floor(Math.random() * accounts.length)]; // specify value as there is no example value for this parameter in OpenAPI spec
export function get_api(api_token, sinceId) {
var uri = `/api/${accountInput.ACCOUNTID}?sinceId=${sinceId}`
var url = urlbase_core + uri;
const params = {
headers: {
'Header': 'Header ' + api_token,
tags: {
name: 'get_delta'
timeout: request_timeout,
return http.get(url, params);
export function peak_gate_rush() {
// expired = `${new Date() - new Date(exec.scenario.startTime)}`;
// console.log(`${exec.scenario.name}: scenario ran for ${expired}ms`);
if (api_token === null) {
var res = get_auth_token(perm_value);
// console.log(JSON.stringify(res));
var res_json = JSON.parse(res.body);
api_token = res_json['access_token'];
else if (api_token !== null && parseInt(exec.instance.currentTestRunDuration) % token_expiration <= 10000) {
var res = get_auth_token(perm_value);
var res_json = JSON.parse(res.body);
api_token = res_json['access_token'];
// console.log("Scenario:" + exec.scenario.name + " - Scenario runtime: " + exec.instance.currentTestRunDuration / 1000 / 60 + "VU Id: " + exec.vu.idInInstance)
// Below is the actual test case for the API endpoint
group("get_delta", function () {
var res = get_api(api_token, noDelta);
var body = JSON.parse(res.body);
current = body.currentId;
if (current == 0) {
current = 1;
var res = get_api(api_token, current - 1); //call kents with delta conditions
if (
!check(res, {
'status code MUST be 200': (res) => res.status == 200,
) {
fail('status code was *not* 200: ' + res.status);
sleep(randomIntBetween(thinktime1, thinktime2));
Options ( yes I know I don’t need 4000 MaxVU’s for 5 RPS just testing stuff before I let it rip)
export let options = {
scenarios: {
peak: {
// peak scenario name
executor: 'ramping-arrival-rate',
startRate: 0,
timeUnit: '1s',
preAllocatedVUs: 25,
maxVUs: 4000,
stages: [
{ target: peak, duration: peak_ramp },
{ target: peak, duration: peak_sustain },
{ target: 0, duration: ramp_down },
gracefulStop: after_peak_delay, // do not wait for iterations to finish in the end
tags: { test_type: 'peak' }, // extra tags for the metrics generated by this scenario
exec: 'peak_gate_rush', // the function this scenario will execute
gate_rush: {
// gate_rush scenario name
executor: 'ramping-arrival-rate',
startRate: 0,
startTime: start_delay,
timeUnit: '1s',
preAllocatedVUs: 25,
maxVUs: 4000,
stages: [
{ target: gate_rush, duration: gr_ramp },
{ target: gate_rush, duration: gr_sustain },
{ target: 0, duration: ramp_down },
gracefulStop: after_peak_delay, // do not wait for iterations to finish in the end
tags: { test_type: 'gate_rush' }, // extra tags for the metrics generated by this scenario
exec: 'peak_gate_rush', // the function this scenario will execute
discardResponseBodies: false,
noConnectionReuse: true,
noVUConnectionReuse: true,
thresholds: {
// we can set different thresholds for the different scenarios because
// of the extra metric tags we set!
'http_req_duration{test_type:peak}': [{ threshold: 'med<250', abortOnFail: tags_trigger_true_false, delayAbortEval: '30s' }],
'http_req_duration{test_type:gate_rush}': [{ threshold: 'med<300', abortOnFail: tags_trigger_true_false, delayAbortEval: '30s' }],
// we can reference the scenario names as well
'http_req_failed{scenario:peak}': [{ threshold: 'rate < 0.05', abortOnFail: error_trigger_true_false, delayAbortEval: '30s' }],
'http_req_failed{scenario:gate_rush}': [{ threshold: 'rate < 0.05', abortOnFail: error_trigger_true_false, delayAbortEval: '30s' }],
summaryTrendStats: ['avg', 'min', 'med', 'max', 'p(75)', 'p(90)', 'p(99)'],
insecureSkipTLSVerify: false,
ext: {
loadimpact: {
projectID: 1
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.