Oauth sign-out issue. After signing out login automatically

Hi Team,

I’m using grafana . intergrated with oathu (AD) it’s working fine but after signing out again i try to hit page it’s not asking for login info auto login the old user.

Any one help me out .

You sign-out only from Grafana session. But you have still AD session. Configure signout url, which will point to your AD signout URL = you will sign-out also from AD = that’s “Single logout” feature.

Example for Keycloak (so just follow and mimic it for AD): Configure Keycloak OAuth2 authentication | Grafana documentation

Hi Jangaraj,

Thanks for your quick response . I just use logout for both .

My Grafana SIGNOUT_REDIRECT_URL look like


Tried both not working .it’s logout if I try to hit the login url that time I couldn’t the login screen directly go to the dashboard. i want to get the login screen again user want to enter the credential. Thanks in advanced :blush:




That’s terrible description of the problem, so I don’t know. You should to provide clear problem description.
Did you check also OAuth doc - I guess that post_logout_redirect_uri must be properly URL encoded.

Hi Jan Garaj,

Sorry for that description. How my Grafana is working I integrated with cognito from cognito authenticate with Azure AD.In my said disable Grafana login directly I get hosted UI. I’m able to login the Grafana successfully after I sign out I got this screen -

I used signout_redirect_url -

https://login.microsoftonline.com//oauth2/v2.0/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=<url> login/logout .

Again I try to login the Grafana didn’t get the login screen directly take me to dashboard. Let me check with `post_logout_redirect_uri.```





But this not a Grafana problem. Your problem is that post logout url is not applied, so ask your AD support why - quick google Azure AD Logout URL not redirecting - Stack Overflow

Thank you :blush:
