I have some troubles with oauth in grafana.
I don’t know why, but grafana can’t get mail field
Here is my auth._generic_oauth
name = OAuth
enabled = true
allow_sign_up = true
client_id = *
client_secret = *
scopes =
email_attribute_name = mail
email_attribute_path =
login_attribute_path =
name_attribute_path =
role_attribute_path =
id_token_attribute_name = access_token
auth_url = *authorize
token_url = *token
api_url = *infojson
allowed_domains =
team_ids =
allowed_organizations =
tls_skip_verify_insecure = true
tls_client_cert =
tls_client_key =
tls_client_ca =
I’ve check all the steps manually, and at the finish i got json from api
"login": "*",
"fio": "*",
"tel": "*",
"mail": "*",
"lab": "*",
"id": "*",
"date": "2021-02-15 21:59:48",
"service": "*",
How i should configure conf to provide mail attr to grafana ?
In grafana logs i see “Error getting email address”
grafana-server -v
Version 7.4.1 (commit: 07649d1313, branch: HEAD)