New Word Cloud Plugin

Hi! So I couldn’t find one so I made one.
It’s rough around the edges yet, it’s based on
I need to document it yet but it is intended to use with elasticsearch datasource.

It’s my first plugin (new to react too), any comments or suggestions would be welcome!

Screenshot from 2020-03-04 12-42-02



Any advice to install it in grafana 6.6.1 ?

BR David

I’m actually using it in that version. Just clone the repository (or download this and extract it ) in grafana plugins directory. You should see it in grafana logs when it starts.

Ok cool. I see it now. Does it works with influxdb datasource ?

I haven’t tested that. You need some field of your query as a list of tokens, and then use group by terms.

here are my settings:

Screenshot from 2020-04-02 12-04-35

It works also with influx… Thank you.

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@raulsperoni Thanks for making this plugin! It worked great in 6.x. I’m having trouble with it in 7 and was wondering if some of the changes affected the plugin.

I get this error message on my existing wordcloud panels:

When I create a new panel and select the wordcloud panel from the visualization panel (on the right), as soon as I make a new panel I get this:

I tried downloading the plugin many ways. I used git to clone the repo to the plugins directory(/var/lib/grafana/plugins/), downloaded both the zip and tar.gz file to my computer then transfered the file grafana with scp(SFTP) before “unzipping” to the plugins directory, curl the download link (curl -X GET $LINK > $FILENAME and unzipping it in the plugins directory.

If you need to know anything else, feel free to ask! :smile:

Hey great to see that someone is finding this useful! :smiley: I’m yet to upgrade to 7, and will of course need to make this work.

So I’ll check this out as soon as I can and let you now.

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Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to it! I’m not a js dev but if there’s something I can do let me know. :smiley:

Hey, look the plugin was working for me even after upgrading grafana to 7, and honestly I don’t see any hint of what may be wrong in your case.

But, this was a good chance for me to try the new plugin arquitecture, so I upgraded everything to 7, moved the code to github and asked for this plugin to be in the list.

Yo can find the new version here: GitHub - raulsperoni/magnesium-wordcloud-panel: Wordcloud / Tagcloud Panel Plugin for Grafana

As I said, comments and issues are welcome: Issues · raulsperoni/magnesium-wordcloud-panel · GitHub

I hope you try it out and let me know if it works.



Looks great! Looking forward having this published!

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I like your panel, in my use case it’s very usefull !!

I just had to build it again because it didn’t work at first, I don’t know what was the issue

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Hi @raulsperoni,

I am using influxDB and a measurement (table) having structure like this
TAGS - time,ipAddress,searchTerm
VALUE - value

Sample set of rows looks like this
timestamp Ip Address searchTerm Value
1567799009999 134.345.34.456 covid-19 1
1567799009999 134.345.34.456 vaccine 1
1567799009899 134.345.24.456 vaccine 1

the value will always be 1 for every row. I want a word cloud of the search terms based on the number of times a term was searched. For this I selected sum(value) and grouped by the tag searchTerm, but to no avail.

Please let me know what I am missing. Any help would be much appreciated.


Hi! are you grouping by “terms” (like in the image I posted earlier)?
Also, the names of both columns should be configured in the options tab. Defaults wont work for you.

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Yes @raulsperoni I am grouping by terms.
“Names of both columns should be configures in the options tab” - for this please let me know

  1. Which columns
  2. How to configure columns in the options tab



So there are two areas you should concentrate on:

The query panel:

Here you will select your datasource. In my case my data is as follows:

| tweet_content.tags |
| word1              |
| word2              |
| word2              |
| word3              |
| word1              |

I’m “grouping by Terms” in the column “tweet_content.tags” using the metric Count. This transforms my data into this:

| tweet_content.tag  | Count |
| word1              | 2     |
| word2              | 2     |
| word3              | 1     |

Your columns, or fields, will have different names. “Count” is the name of the metric, you could use another, it doesn’t matter. (I hope this answers 1. ) But then you have to change the options panel accordingly:


There, you need to put your Columns/Fields names ( and this answers 2. )

I obviously need to document this better.

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could u please explain how to build a customized plugin.
Am a beginner and am trying for that …
I tried scatter plot plugin development as given in Grafana tutorial.
And not able to give live data.

Hi @raulsperoni - after configuring the columns in the option tab, my dashboard still does not show any data (attachment). Please let me know what I am missing here

I don’t see any numeric field of the query there…wich is it?

And the timeseries thing…doesn’t look right