Need help adding integration home assistant to grafana agent

I am currently struggling with adding the homeassistant integration to grafana-agent and would appreciate if someone could help me!

Here is my setup:
home assistant and grafana agent are both running in a k3s (v1.23.3+k3s1). Prometheus is successfully scraping the home assistant metrics and curling them with curl http://<EXTERNAL IP>:8123/api/prometheus -H 'Authorization: Bearer <BEARER TOKEN' is also successful, so I guess it is not a token issue.

I used the “grafana-easystart-app/kubernetes” way of installing a

My grafana-agent has the following configmap:

  name: grafana-agent
  namespace: monitoring
apiVersion: v1
  agent.yaml: |    
      http_listen_port: 12345
        enabled: true
        - job_name: integrations/hass
          metrics_path: /api/prometheus
          bearer_token: "<TOKEN>"
          scheme: https
            - targets: ['<EXTERNAL IP>:8123']

I have already tried the following:
changing the External IP to

  1. namespace.servicename
  2. service-ip

Changing the bearer_token to:

  1. “”
  2. ‘’

So far nothing has worked and the status of the job integrations/hass stays at 0.

Implementing it via prometheus “remote_write” seems to work. However, I would like the grafana agent to work aswell.

Any tips or anything I am missing here?

Thanks in advance!


The Grafana Agent needs to use remote_write to send data back to Grafana Cloud’s Prometheus backend.

thanks for the answer. I believe I do not really get your answer. In general, metrics are received at the grafana clouds prometheus backend. Simply, the home assistant integration does not seem to work…

Did you try using scheme: http. Might be an issue with that".