Monitoring Target Instance (SQL Server) - Not Found

please help to resolve problem with configuring Grafana.

I do not understand the logic.
I followed the procedure of configuring by this post:

I uploaded JSON file for metrics dashboard, file was taken from the post author.
In post procedure, when going to Dashboards > Created Dashboard > It shows PC_NAME (of author - near the instance) which says that successfully took the metrics, monitoring SQL server.

In my case, near the instance (in the top left) - it shows nothing. Sequentially all metrics are blank.
Can you advice where can be the source of problem?

Welcome to forum @makhmutovb

What do you see when you click on the :gear: icon to see the variables?

Do you have influxdb where you are collecting instances metric?

Click on mssql var and see what datasource it is querying

If to go by the link -

  1. There is step named as ‘Telegraf’ - editing sqlserver_telegraf.conf file.
    I edited it - added monitoring SQL Server instance (it’s other server) in section [[Inputs.sqlserver]]
  2. in step named as ‘Final Install steps’
    copied 2 files - telegraf.exe and sqlserver_telegraf.conf files to monitoring server.
    and installed service by command:
    telegraf.exe --service install --config D:\Distr\sqlserver_telegraf.conf"
  3. Service was started
  4. User ‘telegraf’ was created in Monitoring SQL instance with permissions.
  5. Installed Grafana
  6. In step ‘Data Sources’ - created new connection. Test passed successfully. (InfluxDB was previously created)
  7. In step ‘Dashboards’ - imported JSON file from post.
  8. In this step - the problem appears.

we have 3 layers by post:

  1. Grafana (for visualize metrics from InfluxDB
  2. Telegraf (in role of agent transmitting metrics to InfluxDB)
  3. InfluxDB (DB for storing metrics)

In my case, InfluxDB and Grafana are located in the same server.
If MSSQL variable is needed here? If Telegraf agent was installed on monitoring server separatley?

Good question to post in the tutorial you used. As asked earlier what do you see when you click on mssql var