Monitor and alerting for SNMP and Windows devices? Solution design

Afternoon all,

I hope you’re well. Just looking for some direction please as I’m unsure if what I’m trying to do is entirely possible. I’ve got an alloy instance created, having issues with the Windows integration.

I’d like to replicate to a degree the functionality of my PRTG instance, I understand PRTG uses WMI and Grafana /data collection would be agent based? How easy to setup new alerts /servers will this be once the solution is implemented? How easy to tweak and configure monitors?

Requirements are:

  • Windows Servers (A few hundred at most, hardware resources /performance, scheduled tasks, if a file is modified, service status),
  • SNMP Devices (Switches, PSUs etc),


  • If a specific or group of servers a service crashes,
  • A file is or isn’t generated within a certain timeframe,
  • Scheduled task has X status.

Any thoughts, questions or feedback would be much appreciated.

Bumping this - Hoping someone can provide some insights.