Loki - Pattern parser is missing

Hi all

I’m starting to work with Loki and following the guide example, I cannot find “Pattern” (and “Unpack”) from the available parsers.
I need to install some plugin? I’m working with Loki 2.8.0 and Grafana 7.5.2

Thank you


Latest loki is 2.8 2. Any reason you cannot uograde your grafana as well? Grafana 7 is probably no longer supported

Thank you very much for your rapid answer.

I’ve followed the guide here: Install Grafana Loki with Docker or Docker Compose | Grafana Loki documentation

and it reports the version 2.8.0; I didn’t know there was a newer version. Ok, I’ll update soon.

About Grafana, I’m using the docker image “grafana/grafana:latest” that should be the last one. I do not know because in the bottom-left popup reports this number; is there a way to check the real versione number?

Ops, sorry!

I’m using “grafana/grafana:latest” docker image but my last image download was two years ago!
Ok, I’ll remove the image and I’ll get the last stable version 9.5.2.

Thank you again.

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Are you upgrading or starting from scratch?

started from scratch.

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