Loki and Debian 12

Why isn’t there a Loki for Debian? I mean, why isn’t it in the package repository and do I have to install it via source code?

Should Loki be installed with Promtail or Alloy side by side on the same server?

Thank you.

  1. I don’t use Debian myself, but the release page does include a build for Debian (see Releases · grafana/loki · GitHub)
  2. Not necessarily. Alloy is supposed to be the agent, you should install that on your servers where you want logs to be sent to Loki.
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Thank you so much for your reply.
Why do you think this file is not in the Debian repository?

Unfortunately I don’t know the answer to that. Grafana does host their own repo, I suppose they probably could’ve added Loki to it. Might be a feature request you can submit on GitHub.

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Thank you so much for your reply.

The file can be installed with the apt command:

$ sudo apt install loki