Log Volume Explorer doesn't allow me to select a label

My log usage has suddenly spiked, and I’m not entirely sure why, as previous months have been significantly under the free threshold (I only have 3 Raspberry Pi hosts logging to Grafana). I thought I’d analyse my log usage with the Log Volume Explorer, but for some reason most of the times that I load that page nothing shows there, and I can’t select anything:

One time I refreshed the page and was able to choose some options, but then submitting showed “no data”. Is there something weird going on? Is it because of being already over my free tier usage?

Hi @grafanash!

Log labels should only display for the duration selected. For example, different labels may appear when selecting last 1 hour as when selecting last 5 minutes.

If the tool is not loading the labels you expect to be there, or if the tool does not seem to be functioning correctly, please open a ticket with the Support team in your account portal so they can take a closer look and ensure everything is working successfully.

If log samples are being dropped due to free tier usage limits, the Log Volume Explorer tool should still function for the log samples that were received.

Thanks for this! I’ve logged a ticket.

In the meantime, is there a way for me to delete all previous data in there so that I can try to turn things on one-by-one and see if I can determine what’s sending all the logs?