LoadRunner database (MS Access) data in grafana. not able to display data in grafana

i have migrated all my load runner results database value of MS Access database to MySQL using one utility.

and i have created a MySQL data source successfully in grafana.

now problem i am facing is that i am not able to display the raw data in the graphs(or something similar).

i also dont find any supported dashboard to do same.

can anyone help me here?


Have you read the documentation for using MySQL as data source in Grafana?

I’m afraid you’ll have to give us more information than this to be able to help you. Present table schemas and the queries you’ve tried so far (that’s not working).


thanks for the quick reply. i have followed the url given and created data source successfully.

now the question is how do i show the loadrunner report data (now in MySQL) on grafana dashbaord?

i haven’t written anything yet and need to know that what and how should i write? and where?

there are 95 tables totally.

below is structure of 1 table (t4811343t;).

Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
Response_Time | double | YES | | NULL |
Minimum - Response_Time | double | YES | | NULL |
Maxsimum - Response_Time | double | YES | | NULL |
Count of - Response_Time | double | YES | | NULL |
SSqr - Response_Time | double | YES | | NULL |
Response_Time - Describe ID | int(11) | YES | | NULL |
Granu | double | YES | | NULL |
Event Name | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL |

In general if you have rows with timestamps (epoch time or datetime/timestamp data type) you should be able to use the graph panel and visualize time series. If not, tabular output using table panel is probably only option.

If Response_Time - Describe ID contains an epoch timestamp (epoch in seconds) you should be able to write a query like this:

   $__time(`Response_Time - Describe ID`),
  Response_Time as value,
  'Response time' as metric
  <insert your table name here>
  $__unixEpochFilter(`Response_Time - Describe ID`)
  `Response_Time - Describe ID`

Once you understand this you should be able to read documentation that i linked earlier to get better understands/help or search here to find other questions regarding using mysql as data source in Grafana.


sorry for the late reply. i looked through the my all tables. there is some change in the requirement. please look at the attached table. i need to display data fromi

2 tables. and one column is in “number” format and other in “string” format. i want to display “event name” from table 1 on x -axis and “value” from table 2 on y-axis.

That’s not supported using the builtin graph panel. The nearest you can come is to use the X-Axis mode=Series.


what would be the query if i want to display event id and value from table 2, what do i need to do to? sorry to ask the basic questions… i am new to grafana custom dashboard.

I’m not going to write you a query for you. But basically you use a join to combine data from two tables.

sorry to bother you again. if you can write query using only a single table , that would give me good start.
Table 2, Y axis -“Event ID” and x -axis - “value”

Just answered you earlier that having non-time on x-axis is almost not supported - only using X-axis mode=series.

But try and write a regular metric query and use X-axis mode=series

i had added data time column to my column and table description looks like below.

trying to display data with below queries but getting error and blank data on dashboard.

SQL 1:

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end_time) as time_sec,
end_time as value,
end_time as metric
FROM event_meter
WHERE $__timeFilter(end_time)
ORDER BY end_time ASC

SQL 2:
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end_time) as time_sec
FROM event_meter
WHERE $__timeFilter(end_time)
ORDER BY end_time ASC


What are you trying to visualize - which of the columns? Please refer to documentation. You must have a time column and at least a value column.

So for example the following should work given a series named Value plotted over time in a Graph panel:

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end_time) as time_sec,
FROM event_meter
WHERE $__timeFilter(end_time)
ORDER BY end_time ASC

i am able to display the data on dashboard by writing below query. however as the amount of data is 160k, the dashboard works very slow. is there any optimization technique i can apply to make it quick?

i tried creating single column and multi column index on table. but nothing works

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rttime) as time_sec,
rt as value,txn as metric
FROM dis
WHERE $__timeFilter(rttime)


Use the $__timeGroup macro to group by minutes, hours, days etc and aggregate metric with sum for example to minimize the number of returned points(rows)

i used below SQL but still it is taking time to load. this new SQL is skipping the data which i dont want to skip.

any other alternate we have, like creating indexes etc?

__timeGroup(rttime,'5m') as time_sec , rt as value,txn as metric FROM dis WHERE __timeFilter(rttime)

Please read documentation I referenced above. It should be clear that you’ll need to do a group by time_sec and txn and then use aggregate function for rt column, for example sum(rt)