Hey Grafana Community,
im new here because i am struggling the last days with a as I believed simple new requirement.
Currently i’m using the 11.2.2 Version on a Windows Server to create some timeseries Dashboards which are working great.
But now i have a table with a single Measure Value per Month.
The table contains last 12 years.
My target was to create a visualization to compare the monthly for all years.
On the x-Axis should be the months (1-12) and the measure value on the y-axis.
Up to here everything works fine, but when i try to get a single graph for every year i’m failing miserably.
I’ve tried everything, different variations Data Transformation, Trend Visualization, Timeline Visualization. I can’t believe, that this should be so complicated.
My Base SQL Statement ist:
month, year, sum(measure)
from table
group by month, year
Isn’t there any proper solution for a simple line chart with a graph for every year?