Librenms + Influxdb cant show ipmi sensor_desrc name metrics in grafana


I already successfull to integrated the lenovo server to librenms, and can got temperature with ipmi access

but i need to display the metrics to grafana, to make one dashboard for monitoring with other platform, so i use influxdb to integrate with grafana

the ipmi sensor_descr just has value 1 until 9

its different with the cisco product

can i get the metrics like the cisco product?


ipmi - temperature on librenms

Is the problem getting the right metrics from LibreNMS into InfluxDB or is the problem querying the metrics from InfluxDB in Grafana?

Can you give an example of what the metric should look like?


i dont know the sensor_desrc ipmi acually will show, but i assume its look like this :slight_smile:

Is the problem getting the right metrics from LibreNMS into InfluxDB or is the problem querying the metrics from InfluxDB in Grafana? ← i already ask in librenms forum but they said it must be on grafana, so i go here

here is the issue onlibrenms :