Issue with Dimension Values in Alerting with CloudWatch Datasource


I’m currently using Grafana version 9.4.7 with AWS CloudWatch as my data source. I have a panel where I’m monitoring the SumOffsetLag metric from the AWS/Kafka namespace. I have three dimensions in my setup: Cluster Name, Consumer Group, and Topic.

I’m trying to create an alert based on this panel. However, I’m encountering an issue with the dimension values in the alert configuration. Instead of getting individual values for each dimension, I’m getting all the dimension values concatenated together.

For example, instead of getting:

Cluster Name = Cluster Name
Consumer Group = Consumer Group
Topic = Topic

I’m getting:

Cluster Name = Cluster Name + ConsumerGroup + Topic
Consumer Group = Cluster Name + Consumer Group + Topic
Topic = Cluster Name + Consumer Group + Topic

This is causing issues with my alert configuration, as I’m not able to correctly reference the individual dimension values in the alert message.

I’ve tried various configurations and syntaxes, but I haven’t been able to resolve this issue. I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to correctly reference the individual dimension values in the alert configuration.

Thank you in advance for your help.