Issue Loading Local Modules when using `k6 cloud run --local-execution`

I have created a series of K6 test that are working fine when I run them with k6 run MY_TEST.js, and these test are importing a couple local modules including one named config.js

But when I try to run the same test with k6 cloud run MY_TEST.js --local-execution I am getting:

error="GoError: the module \"./config.js\" was not previously resolved during initialization (__VU==0)\n"

I am unclear if there is something I am missing here or if this is running in some other directory when you use cloud run but my assumption would be the local execution flag would make it so it should run in the exact some way as k6 run would.

Not sure if it matters but I am running this on windows and any help would be appreciated.

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have the same issue, have you managed tro solve it ?

This looks like a potential bug.

Could you please report this in the k6 repository’s issues? That would be much appreciated, and easier for us to keep track of :man_bowing: