Insatalled Grafana - - Not able to login


I installed Grafana on port 3000, but when I hit the URL:
I was asked to give username & password - From where I’ll get these details?
I registered myself at Grafana Labs page & providing same details in above url.
But, I’m getting an error message that: invalid username or password.

I clicked on forgot password link, weird thing is that from logs :

t=2018-06-21T11:38:13+0530 lvl=info msg=“Requested password reset for user that was not found” logger=context userId=0 orgId=0 uname= user=skurratek
t=2018-06-21T11:38:13+0530 lvl=eror msg=“Email sent” logger=context userId=0 orgId=0 uname= error=“User not found”

What should I do ? Where should I register ?

Please help

Try admin / admin, usually it is default log/pass


it worked, thanks @hlex

Confimed that it works! 4/21/2021 thanks!

Thank you for already having solved my problem.

I cannot access localhost using admin/admin.

Please more detail if you have a question…
Include the log and messages

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