As a result i get in Graphana for each day a time of 02:00 added, so 2023-08-12 02:00 is have a value of 3 (but this is already the next day) → is this normal?
Is my query wrong?
Also if i query for last 30 days it is “ok” (with the above +2 hours). but if i query for last 90 days data is missing (see attachments)
will make it right. There is also an offset parameter to the aggregateWindow function that you can try using.
Re: the above, what does the data look like in table format when using Influx Data Explorer? It makes no sense that the most recent 30 days get lost when you move the time selector 90.
Also, what happens to your query if you remove the group() function? Again, trying it out in Influx Data Explorer might be the better place to troubleshoot.
i think i found the “problem” but still need a solution.
I exported all data from measurement using the command:
"influxd inspect export-lp --bucket-id 12345 --engine-path PATH_TO_ENGINE --measurement myMeasurement --output-path D:\temp\data.lp
If i now look at the data, i can see that some fields have an i (the newer ones) and others just have an integer. Might this be a problem showing all data in a graph?
How can i solve it?
I believe the i means integer, so those values without a trailing i are floats. You can try converting all the floats to integers with a function like int() in a map() function or just toInt():
|> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with floatValue: int(v: r.floatValue) }))