Incorrect code in documentation

Hello, i tried to follow grafana documentation about Monitoring nginx in grafana cloud, but the code for GeoIP Country doesnt work.

'"gzip_ratio": "$gzip_ratio", '
'"geoip_country_code": "$geoip_country_code"'

geoip_country /etc/nginx/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb {
  $geoip_country_code default=US source=$remote_addr country iso_code;

access_log /var/log/nginx/json_access.log json_analytics;

First, nginx complains about semicolon after the database file. So i put it in, and it complains about the database file itself. I downloaded the database file, and now it complains about the unexpected “{” in geoip_country line
What’s the correct code for this? Thank you.