Https not working on Grafana on Windows EC2 machine

Hi All,

I have put necessary ‘Key’ and ‘Certificate’ files under correct properties in default.ini config file and used protocol https as well and that port 3000 is also opened in Firewall.

When I check the certificate in browser under ‘Certification Path’ its status is showing as ‘This certificate is OK.’

kindly guide me in right direction. Am I missing something or there is some issue in certificate.

Certificate is self signed created using openSSL.

kindly help.

If you are 100% sure that Grafana is configured correctly, then I would speculate the problem is the inbound & outbound security rules you have configured for your EC2 instance (as well as any other AWS cloud products like VPC that you might be using). Do you mind posting your rules here?

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Hi @

Welcome to the :grafana: community support forums !!

What is the web server you are using where you configured the SSL certificate ?