I am trying to figure out the new feature to display a base64 encoded images in a table, but am a bit stuck and don’t know how the image should be encoded.
I have an influxDB, into which I am inserting a base64 encoded jpg image. The payload I am pushing to influxDB looks like this (in this example, just a red dot I found on stack overflow):
But if I try and override the Cell display mode for the field to “Image”:
I get this:
Should I prefix my data in some way?
If I copy the value from the table in Grafana, and pipe it through base64 to decode it, I get the red dot jpeg image, which I can open in an image viewer.
He names the used panels in his project page (if you watch to the end of the video, there is the GitHub project named. Within the project he names the used panels.
It seems it might be this one: GitHub - ryantxu/image-viewer-panel: Image Viewer panel
In the img field I have locale path to the image+name e.g. /home/pi/pressure_info/SunCloud.png
But, I somehow can’t get to show the image. Same issue when using base64 image plugin.