How to send a single alert to multiple contact points in Grafana?

Hi everyone,

I have an issue with alerting in Grafana. I have three contact points (Slack, Email, and Telegram), and I want to send the same alert notification to all three contact points simultaneously.

Currently, I can send notifications to each contact point individually, but I cannot configure a single alert to send messages to all three contact points at once. When I set the label value to “All,” only the first contact point in the list gets activated, and the others do not receive any messages.

Is it possible to send alert notifications to multiple contact points using a single alert in Grafana? If yes, could you please guide me on how to set it up?

Thank you!


I’m 90% sure that’s because the first policy (the one with slack) matches the alert and it’s not being processed further. What you can do is to edit the policy and enable Continue matching subsequest sibling nodes (as shown in the screenshot - you should do that in all the policies).

What it will do is it will allow the alerts to go further into the matching and the matching will not end on the first match (it will end on the first match without that option).

Alternatively, you can create a contact point All which will have all three of the integrations and create a policy above the three shown policies, but I wouldn’t recommend it, since it’s a duplication of the points (one in All contact point, one in specific).

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Hi Dawid Debowski,

Thanks for your explanation and help! I appreciate it.

I followed your suggestion, and it works fine when I assign a single value to the label, like all, email, slack, or telegram. However, when I try to use multiple values, such as email,telegram or email,slack, it doesn’t work as expected.

Do you have any suggestions on how to send alerts to multiple contact points simultaneously?

Thanks in advance for your help!


I think that alert having two different label values with the same name (e.g. ContactPoint=Slack and ContactPoint=Telegram) is not supported by Grafana. What you could do is changing the ContactPoint=X to X=true, e.g. an alert would have Slack=true and Telegram=true.

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