How to restart grafana

I have modified the “ldap.toml” file and then I want to restart the grafana.
But it says permission denied for grafana user inside container.
I am trying to test oAuth (LDAP) authentication.

You have to restart the container itself to restart grafana.

So, if I want to make changes to grafana.ini, I cannot do that, unless I move the file from local to /etc/grafana while running Dokcerfile only.

As, I restart the container, changes made there will no longer reflect once I stop start the container.

If you just do a restart of the container the changes should stay. But if you want to have permanent changes I would suggest using volumes, either by creating a volume and attaching it to /etc/grafana or by mapping in grafana.ini from your local filesystem.

It’s also possible to configure grafana by setting env variables, read more about it here.

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