I am trying to show 7 days of power usage(+)/generation(-) but I cannot figure out how to put the date from the group by clause into the Series using format as by alias.
The table is fine, just want the Time column at the bottom of each bar.
|Time |time >= now() - 7d and time <= now()|
|9/24/2021 0:00|119.10 Wh|
|9/25/2021 0:00|778.78 Wh|
|9/26/2021 0:00|681.09 Wh|
|9/27/2021 0:00|8.47 kWh|
|9/28/2021 0:00|-6.27 kWh|
|9/29/2021 0:00|-20.40 kWh|
|9/30/2021 0:00|-22.04 kWh|
|10/1/2021 0:00|-24.29 kWh|