I have data in the following format:
09:21:07,label,123,234,345,456,657,678,879,890,123,234, etc...
The first column is time. The second is label. Then there are 200th columns with integer values.
I want to draw a XYZ time-chart with these values.
I tried XYZ chart, but I couldn’t make it work.
Is it possible in grafana?
probably possible using business chart plugin, which you will need javascript skills to iterate over those 200+ columns.
How to implement in grafana
or using Business Text and plotly
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Thank you. Before you posted, I actually started working with Business Charts plugin, and:
// console.log(context);
let source = context.editor.dataset.source;
let source2 = [];
source.map((s) => {
s[1].split(",").map((v, i) => {
source2.push([s[0], i, parseFloat(v)]);
// console.log(source2);
return {
dataset: { source: source2 },
series: [
type: 'scatter3D',
encode: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 2 }
grid3D: {},
xAxis3D: {
type: 'time',
name: `x time `,
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{yyyy}-{M}-{d}T{HH}:{MM}:{ss}',
yAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: 'y index' },
zAxis3D: { type: 'value', name: 'z value' },
results with Apache ECharts in this beauty:

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