Hello Good Evening, Rahul this side.
I’m currently working on creating a Slider as a dashboard variable/filter rather than a dropdown in grafana.
I have created two panels in grafana dashboard: data manipulation panel and Bar chart panel. I have also created a dashboard variable named “Year” in the dashboard.
Currently i have retrieved india’s population data with duration from 1960 to 2022 from postgresql in bar chart panel and visualize it in the graph. Then i integrated the dashboard filter variable in bar chart panel. so now when user select a year from dashboard filter variable then data gets filtered out in the bar chart panel & visualise only data from that specific year.
Now i have created a new panel called data manipulation panel where i created a slider form element & provided min & max value statically 1960 & 2022 respectively.
Requirement: Now i want that when user select the data from slider in data manipulation panel then the user input gets pushed in the dashboard variable & as i have already integrated the dashbaord variable in bar chart panel then the value will change from slider to bar chart panel.
What i have done till now:
I have gone through community & documentation.
No built in functionality to create a slider as a dashboard variable.
No customization option in Grafana Local Directory
Gone through “Variable Panel” but only have option to display as table, dropdown & scroll as radio button
Currently working on “Data Manipulation Panel” & they have option for slider but i can set a value in slider from dashboard variable but vice versa is not working.
Can anyone help me on how to create a filter variable as a slider for a graph rather than a dropdown?