How to change default "last 6 hours" to "last 30 minutes"?

Grafana shows “last 6 hours” on top right corner default,how could I set “last 30 minutes” defalt when someone open my grafana first time with no manual setting?

Set it to last 30 minutes then save the dashboard

This works, thank you~

Hi @torkel,
The dashboard defaults to 6 hours when I open my dashboard, i have tried to change and save the dashboard, but it still defaults to 6 hours every time.

The dashboard panel name is “Order Per Hour” , but the data which is shown is for 6 Hours, as it would have defaulted to 6 hours.

Changes i do to save:
If i chose 1h and save the dashboard , if i browse back to this dashboard page, it defaults to 6 hours.

Please help.

Have you figured it out?