How to call a terms field in query alias

Hello there,

i’m using Grafana v11.0.0 and want to create an alias in the query. so here is the panel

as you can see there are 3 legends there and I want to give them an alias (IN) so the legend will look like “enp0s8 - IN” to show me that it was an inbound traffic. but I have no idea how to call the terms field from the alias pattern. is it possible?

The plan is I want to make another query to retrieve outbound traffic on the same graph. because if I’m not making an alias for them, the legends will be displayed twice and I can’t even know which legend shows me in/outbound traffic.

I can manage it in kibana but I don’t know how to do it in grafana



have you tried using something like {{}} - IN in Alias field?