How to build a table with a start first day of each month

I use grafana v7.3.2 for monitoring power consomption.
I use prometheus for Data Source.

I am trying to configure a table with my power consumption.
I would like to have a summary of the month selected in absolute time starting with the first day of the month.
But I have a problem with the interval, if I do over a month it takes 30 days interval and therefore a shift in the first day selected.


Could you try setting up…?:

  • Relative time: nothing
  • Time shift: 0M/M

It does not work because of 23:00:00 ?

Could you try removing the Min interval and Interval fields?

Thanks for help me.
No it’s doesn’t work because i need to start the first day of month for each row.

As you can see below, if i remove the Min interval, the interval are automatically !set to 20minutes. The interval can’t be remove, or i don’t know how to do this.


Oh! I see you use Prometheus, I do not know any about this database.

Since 1 year I tried to know a method to do the same as you want in InfluxDB, but it seems never will be a query by month.

The solution is using the new query method: Flux Query Language.

Thank you for your reply.

I see an old topic of you: Display "This Month" with relative time - #11 by castillo92
I can’t find this style of graph with the total below. What’s the name of this style graph and what type of database do you use?

thank you

It was done with Graph Panel, using the “Legend” config and InfluxDB as database.

It looks like: (last month)

And the queries and it’s options:

Thank you for all. @castillo92

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