How to add Time series queries with grafana and MySQL?

Actually I want to bar graph for week use with this sql. Can I do that?. I think it may be easy but cannot do it. I have two parameter. weeks and downtime values.

Like as below;


Grafana graph panel only works with time-series data and therefore you need to return a timestamp in epoch format for Grafana to be able to plot a point/bar on the graph.

Just googled “mysql convert week number to date” and the first hit looks promising :slight_smile:

Good luck


Thanks for help.

Adding datestamp on my table and now my output is:

|2018-01-08 | 539 |
|2018-01-15 | 5921 |
|2018-01-22 | 4647 |
|2018-01-29 | 633 |
|2018-02-05 | 720 |
|2018-02-12 | 2538 |
|2018-02-19 | 239 |
|2018-02-26 | 1022 |

Getting following error:
MySQL response parsing error sql: Scan error on column index 0: unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type time.Time into type *sql.RawBytes

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My sql is:
select cast(datestamp as date), sum(a.downtime) as downtime from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, b.datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
group by week

Finally I did it with following sql :grinning:

select week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cast(datestamp as date)) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, b.datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
group by week

Thanks for help.

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I try to remove “Data points outside time range” statement from graphs.

Adding $__timeFilter() but may be it does not support “cast(datestamp as date)”

select week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cast(datestamp as date)) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, b.datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
where year=‘2018’ and $__timeFilter(cast(datestamp as date)) group by week

but getting following error:

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘>= FROM_UNIXTIME(1519497403) AND cast(datestamp as date <= FROM_UNIXTIME(1519804’ at line 3

Does it do any difference with $__timeFilter((cast(datestamp as date)))?

No, stil getting same error.

select week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cast(datestamp as date)) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, b.datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
where year=‘2018’ and $__timeFilter((cast(datestamp as date))) group by week

Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘>= FROM_UNIXTIME(1518588427) AND (cast(datestamp as date <= FROM_UNIXTIME(151981’ at line 3

Does this work better?

week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datestamp) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
  select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, cast(b.datestamp as date) as datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
where year=‘2018’ and $__timeFilter(datestamp) group by week


Unfortunatly it does not.

Actually, following sql is working.

select week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datestamp) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, cast(b.datestamp as date) as datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
where year=‘2018’ group by week

But when i add $__timeFilter(datestamp) as you sent. it seems wrong.

Please try my query with a greater time range? Do you get an error with my latest query?


Sorry, I think there is zoom in problem. It is working now.

select week as metric, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(datestamp) as time_sec, sum(a.downtime) as value from
(select distinct, b.environment, b.hostname, b.year, b.week, cast(b.datestamp as date) as datestamp, b.downtime, b.totaltime from server_report as b) as a
where $__timeFilter(datestamp) group by week

Great work. Thanks a lot :grinning :smile:

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hi, I am new ,i use mysql database, want to create a graph ,but, my data doesn’t have time ,what should i do?

Add dummy dates or something. May be that your data is not good use case for visualizing as graph in Grafana.


ok 。thanks a lot:grinning::grinning:

We group all the calls per month with this query below.

Nós agrupamos todos os chamados por mês com esta consulta abaixo.

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) as time_sec,
WHEN month(date) = 1 THEN ‘Janeiro’
WHEN month(date) = 2 THEN ‘Fevereiro’
WHEN month(date) = 3 THEN ‘Março’
WHEN month(date) = 4 THEN ‘Abril’
WHEN month(date) = 5 THEN ‘Maio’
WHEN month(date) = 6 THEN ‘Junho’
WHEN month(date) = 7 THEN ‘Julho’
WHEN month(date) = 8 THEN ‘Agosto’
WHEN month(date) = 9 THEN ‘Setembro’
WHEN month(date) = 10 THEN ‘Outubro’
WHEN month(date) = 11 THEN ‘Novembro’
WHEN month(date) = 12 THEN ‘Dezembro’
ELSE ‘Indefinido’
END as metric,
count(month(date)) as value
FROM glpi_tickets

got the exact same error. could you guide me with this, please? would like some updates and if you have ruled it out.

Hello I tried write in Metrics box next script^
“OpCo” as metric,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cast(“Datestamp” as date)) as time_sec,
"Web1"as value
where $__timeFilter(“Datestamp”)

And i had error: pq: function unix_timestamp(date) does not exist

Could u explain me why?