I’m having 2 APIs to be executed and I need to see response time distribution of each API (p95, p99 etc.), let’s say I have a simple block code as this:
export default function () {
On Grafana k6 doc, it seems that k6 did not have this type of measurement yet, only having below call, but logging on console (which is not matching use case):
import http from 'k6/http';
export default function () {
const res = http.get('https://httpbin.test.k6.io');
console.log('Response time was ' + String(res.timings.duration) + ' ms');
So is there a way to see each API response time distribution graph? Thank you in advance
you could add tags for individual requests
and create thresholds for each of them
so that the metric for each threshold is printed in the summary output
The default end-of-test summary includes p(95) by default but you can define p(99) or other values using the summaryTrendStats option: Options reference | Grafana k6 documentation