So in short I’m trying to run k6 tests in circleCI and get the output into datadog, frankly I’m in hell but trying a few different POCs.
One POC is using the grafana k6 image. I have my executor defined: (is there a way to add it here?)
shell: /bin/sh --login
working_directory: ~/project
- image: grafana/k6:latest
resource_class: small
<<: *default_env_vars
My job then uses this:
executor: load_test_executor
- attach_workspace
- run:
command: |
mkdir -p tmp/k6
echo "directory created"
k6 run load_tests/tests/backend/basicGET.js --out json=k6_load_test_results_image.json > tmp/k6/k6_load_test_results_image_output.json
echo "k6 run complete"
- store_artifacts:
path: /tmp/k6
- persist_to_workspace:
root: .
- tmp/k6
- run:
command: |
echo "Load test complete"
curl --help
The above all works fine. However where I have curl --help, I need curl. wget is no good as its a PUT. I tried basic commands with apk but get permissions issues. Given my above example, can I elevate permissions to root before needing curl somehow?
I DO NOT want to create a custom dockerfile