Hello, this is the first time I contribute to k6, I want to know how to test the application, I ran docker compose up and now I wanted to know how to use a testfile in this local version? i’m kind of lost about how to execute in the correct way and run locally.
Hi @johnsmt
Welcome to the community forum and many thanks for contributing!
I am unsure if you are contributing to k6 (or other projects). If that is the case, have you followed the section k6/CONTRIBUTING.md at master · grafana/k6 · GitHub, especially the development setup?
You mention docker-compose, are you fixing something that requires the docker-compose.yml?
If you can provide more details on your contribution (is there an open issue you are working on) and where you are stuck, we’ll happily help
hi @eyeveebee, i’m contributing to k6, but i think I expressed myself badly, I’ll try again.
I read all the k6/CONTRIBUTING.md at master, but i’m still confuse about how to test the application after i do a modification, let me explain:
When i download k6 from the official website, i can just run a script by
k6 run script.js
but, when a clone the github k6 version, how do i run it, how can i run a test in my local version?
It’s my first time too using linters, but i understand that the use is for check for bugs or typos, right?
Taking advantage of this space, I would like to ask a question about the test suit, when I run it more than once, the tests appear in cache, even when making changes to the code, how do I get them to run again?
i’m not fixing something that requires the docker-compose.yml?, at least i think, i was just trying run it.
Hey @johnsmt,
Welcome to the support forum
I’m a maintainer of k6, and I will try to support you to the best of my abilities
Once you have downloaded the repository, you can run the development version by using the go run
go run go.k6.io/k6 run myscript.js
Regarding linters, you are correct. We rely on the golangci-lint
linter tool to indeed ensure our code follows our standards, and to catch bugs and potential common issues before we build and run the tool. Note that k6 has a .golangci.yaml
file at the root of the repository with a configuration specific to k6, you can verify your changes by passing those linter rules by using the make lint
command/directive at the root of the repository by.
Regarding testing and bypassing the Go test cache, to enforce tests being built and run every time from scratch, I believe you can pass the --count=0
flag to the go test
I hope this helps unblock you, let me know if that was helpful and if you need further support