Hide "Panel JSON" from viewers

Is there any way of hiding this option from a Viewer type user?

My Grafana Version is “Version 7.0.3”

On your server, go to /usr/share/grafana/public/build.
You can see default~DashboardPage~SoloPanelPage.d3489276abe5fda2bd26.js file.

copy it to your local PC and go to this line

and remove that code like this…

Finally, delete your browser cache and go to your dashboard

This trick was best to me.
If you have better idea, please share to me…


Hi! How I can do the same in version 8.3.4? xxx~xxx~SoloPanelPage.d3489276abe5fda2bd26.js does not exist in /usr/share/grafana/public/build. Thank you