I have an time error from the supervisor vs my vm generating a log line similar to this one:
ts=2023-10-20T03:37:19.120Z caller=scrape.go:1685 level=warn component=“scrape manager” scrape_pool=cadvisor target=http://1xx.x.xxx.xxx:29100/metrics msg=“Error on ingesting out-of-order samples”
So I managed to send the prometheus log into a file on my server.
Then I want to configure promtail to grab the information from this file. The log file is huge and I want:
- to insert into Loki only the lines containing “out-of-order”
- to manage a metric to count each line.
I’ve spend 3 hours on the subject and I want to kill someone (or drink a coffee), finally finishing with an erroneous yml file:
- job_name: prometheus
- targets:
- localhost
job: prometheus
host: dagobert
connection: localhost
owner: atlanticlog
__path__: /var/log/prometheus/prometheus*.log
- match:
selector: 'msg="Error on ingesting out-of-order samples"'
- regex:
expression: "out-of-order"
- metrics:
type: Counter
description: "total count of out of order ingestion, probably time error"
source: ingestion
action: inc
I don’t understand the pipelinestages system.
Please help!