I have a query:
Select sum(“tag2”)/(sum(“tag1”)+sum(“tag3”)+sum(“tag4”))
SELECT sum(“value_float”::float)/60/1000 as “tag1” FROM “Example” WHERE (“Generic_Name” = ‘Test1’) GROUP BY time(1h) fill(none)
SELECT sum(“value_float”::float)/60/1000 as “tag3” FROM “Example” WHERE (“Generic_Name” = ‘Test2’) GROUP BY time(1h) fill(none)
SELECT sum(“value_float”::float)/60/1000 as tag4 FROM “Example” WHERE (“Generic_Name” = ‘Test3’) GROUP BY time(1h) fill(none)
SELECT sum(“value_int”::float) as “tag2” FROM “Example” WHERE (“Generic_Name” = ‘Test4’) GROUP BY time(1h) fill(none)
GROUP BY time((1w))
which returns data.
The problem is that the grouped week starts on a thursday. What i need is that the week starts on a Monday.
In other Queries it was possible to alter the Group clause to GROUP BY time(1w,-3d) but in this case it doesn’r return any data.
Do you have any ideas how i can fix this?
Im using influxdb 1.8 and Grafana 7.5
hello you can add a -2d offset to your query. best regards
@habib1 i tried that in this form but it just returns an empty panel. Is there a fault in my Syntax?
yes please correct your synthax
Can you please help me and tell me how?
you cab use the query editor
Your answers aren’t really helping. Could you please correct the part of my query which isn’t correct? I really don’t know how i have to write my query differently