Graph showing Temperature in Fahrenheit in Celsius

I do not know what mistake I made the graph is showing temperature in Fahrenheit ( temp_f ) in Celcius. The temp_f is not a field I query its a field I create as alias to use in creation of Heat index so I cannot temper with field overrides in the grafana dashboard. It was all working fine

  dt_created AS "time",
  temp AS "Temperature",
  humidity AS "Humidity",
  (temp - ((100 - humidity)/5)) AS "Dew Point",
  ((temp* 1.8) + 32) AS temp_f,  
(((-42.379 + 2.04901523*@temp_f + 10.14333127*humidity - .22475541*@temp_f*humidity - .00683783*@temp_f*@temp_f - .05481717*humidity*humidity + .00122874*@temp_f*@temp_f*humidity + .00085282*@temp_f*humidity*humidity - .00000199*@temp_f*@temp_f*humidity*humidity) - 32)*.5556) 
AS "Feels Like" 
FROM particle_photon
ORDER BY dt_created

I don’t understand what you mean, can you post a screenshot and explain what it should show?

temp_f should be in Fahrenheit .

Do you mean that the value of temp_f is exactly the same as the value of temp? Plot them both and see what you see. Also try looking at the Query Inspector to see what you see.

value are different but temp_f is shown as degree celicus as the Y axis on the right.

Please post a screenshot so we can understand what you mean.
You can paste an image into the edit window here

Do you mean that it is showing “C” beside the axis annotations? If so then have a look a what you have put in the Label field on the Visualisation tab.

Please take a look at the image, what I am talking about.

temp_f value probably correct but displayed as in °C
also Heat index i.e. Feels Like is now coming Null.

See my previous post for the axis labeling on the chart. Check the table settings for the problem there.