Grafana - Zabbix Plugin

I can’t log in to the database with the zabbix plugin

I can’t log in to the database via Putty, but from the graph I receive the following error.

“Error.Inavilid params. Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.”

Log is:
logger=plugin.alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource t=2023-11-03T11:20:48.573117851-04:00 level=error msg=“Zabbix authentication error” error=“Invalid params. Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.”
logger=plugin.alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource t=2023-11-03T11:20:48.573173257-04:00 level=error msg=“Zabbix API request error” error=“Invalid params. Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.”
logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2023-11-03T11:20:48.573373034-04:00 level=error msg=“Request Completed” method=POST path=/api/datasources/11/resources/zabbix-api status=500 remoteaddr= timems=10 duration=10.405383ms size=128 referer= handler=/api/datasources/:id/resources/*

Not a plug-in issue, it should be addressed at zabbix side.

The error that you’re showing is the default error of zabbix when you try to log in and got a wrong password more than 3 to 5 times.

Reset the password, unlock the user on Zabbix and try again the new password at Grafana’s plug-in side.

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Great, I managed to solve it. That was really the error.

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