Grafana Table Hyperlink for multiple data in a cell

Hi Team,

I have a Grafana table panel which displays the ticket numbers of an issue in the comma separated format. The cell can contain single or multiple data. Is it possible to get a hyperlink of each of these ticket numbers individually? The current possibility is to have one single URL for a cell. Please find the snapshots below.

Table with Date and Ticket Number Columns
image${__value.text} is the override is specified so that it redirects me to the respective ticket URL.

My query here is to know if there is way to see if it can redirect to two different ticket numbers when they are comma separated as in row 3.


you have a logical error, if you click on the cell how shall Grafana know which link is meant. so no it is not possible. Thank you

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Any solution of that issue insted of comma separated how can we show our data so that we can click both ticket Iā€™d

The moves toward Multiple data in one cell:

  1. Open up your exercise manual.
  2. Select the cell you need to put every one of your information.
  3. Type = and select the main cell you wish to join.
  4. Type and use quotes with space encased.
  5. Select the other cell you need to join and hit enter. For instance =A3&" "&B3.