I am trying to use stat panel to display the Min, Max and average of a time series data. Indeed I would like the stat panels to only display the these values for the time range that I have selected (e.g. last 5 min, last 15 min, etc.). Unfortunately the stat panel is showing the Min, Max, and average values for the entire data.
Here is the query:
SELECT operationsData.PathSpeedActual FROM xxx.Sprays
JOIN operationData ON Sprays.SprayID = operationData.SprayID
WHERE Sprays.LogID IN (SELECT LogID FROM xxx.Log WHERE JobReference IN ($jobreference)) AND operationData.Stepchain IN ($step);
I exerpienced the same issue with table visualisation.
I have used this query:
SELECT operationsData.PathSpeedActual FROM xxx.Sprays
JOIN operationData ON Sprays.SprayID = operationData.SprayID
WHERE Sprays.LogID IN (SELECT LogID FROM xxx.Log WHERE JobReference IN ($jobreference)) AND operationData.Stepchain IN ($step);
In the stat panel options under value options and then Calculation I chose Mean (see image)
Unfortunately, the value for the mean that is displayed is not affected by the time range selection: