Grafana relative time now-2022-04-21

Hello. I was wondering if someone could help me with a panel for my grafana dashboard.

I am currently making a graph using a pgsql query

  date_trunc('day', "timeCreated") AS time,
  COUNT(*) AS total_applications
FROM "ApplicantApplications"
WHERE "timeCreated" >= '2022-04-21'::timestamp
  AND "timeCreated" <= now()
GROUP BY time;

I’m trying to get the graph to display all results from the start time (first created row) to the current date, without messing up the “absolute time” used on all of my other graphs

from what I’ve read to do this I need to use the “relative time” override in the query options. However, I have not been able to figure out how to specify a hard coded date to start from

I know I can use now to get the current date, but not sure how to specify a specific date, such as now-2022-04-21

If I don’t specify a “relative time” it uses the absolute time, which messes with all of my other graphs.