Grafana Public Dashboard using helm

I am using latest version of Grafana

We are trying to make our grafana dashboard publicly accessible. I do see grafana has public dashboards now and can be enabled by adding a feature toggle to custom.ini file Public dashboards | Grafana documentation
We would like to know if it’s instead possible to achieve this through command line while installing grafana using helm

We install grafana something like this on our cluster
helm upgrade --install grafana grafana/grafana -n namespace

And so modifying custom.ini to add the toggle isn’t possible for us. I came across this Command-line flags | Grafana Agent documentation where few features are enabled using a -enable-feature flag, i tried doing that to enable public dashboard feature with helm command like this

helm upgrade --install grafana grafana/grafana -n namespace --set -enable features=“publicDashboards”

After this is executed, I do not see a public tab after clicking on “share” on right of the dashboard (as per the documentation).

Please let me know if it’s possible to achieve this while installing grafana using helm command etc.

welcome to the :grafana: community @tanvigour!

I’ve only used helm charts a couple of times. If I remember correctly, there is usually a values.yaml file where you can customize your grafana.ini configuration.