Hello, I have MySQL DB in UTC. I am using it as data source. Grafana is set to Default - UTC+2. I don`t see the events in my dashboard the same, as they are stored in MySQL DB. Is there a document describing this and if not, is there anyone who have dealt with this without any changes to DB?
Thank you.
count(some_column) AS “some_alias”
FROM table_name
$__timeFilter(datetime) AND
some_column = value
ORDER BY $__timeGroup(datetime,$__interval)
I am using it as data source. Grafana is set to Default - UTC+2. I don`t see
the events in my dashboard the same, as they are stored in MySQL DB.
What is the difference?
Are you simply saying that the display is shifted by two hours, or is there
some other difference in what you see in Grafana and what you have in MySQL?