it seems that grafana stopped properly escaping backslashes in influx query values after version 10.1.6.:
SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(“ifHCInOctets”), 1s) *8 FROM “interface” WHERE (“sysName” =~ /^bb02.niedermayr.net$/ AND “ifDescr” =~ /^xe-0/1/0$/) AND time >= now() - 3h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(10s), “ifAlias” fill(null)
You can note, that the value in the second where clause “ifDesc” doesn’t have it’s slashes peoperly escaped.
In 10.1.6 it’s normal:
SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(“ifHCInOctets”), 1s) *8 FROM “interface” WHERE (“sysName” =~ /^bb02.niedermayr.net$/ AND “ifDescr” =~ /^xe-0\/1\/0$/) AND time >= now() - 3h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(10s), “ifAlias” fill(null);
known problem?